论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Effect of different mulching measures on nitrate nitrogen leaching in spring maize planting system in south of Loess Plateau Dong, Qiang; Dang, Tinghui; Guo, Shengli; Hao, Mingde AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT 2019
Intra-storm time stability analysis of surface soil water content Gao, Xiaodong; Zhao, Xining; Pan, Daili; Yu, Liuyang; Wu, Pute GEODERMA 2019
Effects of mulching measures on soil moisture and N leaching potential in a spring maize planting system in the southern Loess Plateau Dong Qiang; Dang Tinghui; Guo Shengli; Hao Mingde AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT 2019
Moving salts in an impermeable saline-sodic soil with drip irrigation to permit wolfberry production Zhang, Tibin; Dong, Qin'ge; Zhan, Xiaoyun; He, Jianqiang; Feng, Hao AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT 2019
Seedling and ramet recruitment at the community level on recent landslide scars on the hilly and gullied Loess Plateau, China Hu, Shu; Jiao, Juying; Li, Yujin; Deng, Na; Wu, Duoyang; Zhang, Yifeng LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT 2019
Changes in particle size distribution of suspended sediment affected by gravity erosion: a field study on steep loess slopes Guo, Wenzhao; Xu, Xiangzhou; Zhu, Tongxin; Zhang, Hongwu; Wang, Wenlong; Liu, Yakun; Zhu, Mingdong JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS 2019
Water source partitioning and nitrogen facilitation promote coexistence of nitrogen-fixing and neighbor species in mixed plantations in the semiarid Loess Plateau Tang, Yakun; Wu, Xu; Chen, Chen; Jia, Chang; Chen, Yunming PLANT AND SOIL 2019
Surface water storage characteristics of main herbaceous species in semiarid Loess Plateau of China Xiong, Peifeng; Chen, Zhifei; Yang, Quan; Zhou, Junjie; Zhang, He; Wang, Zhi; Xu, Bingcheng ECOHYDROLOGY 2019
Response and driving factors of soil microbial diversity related to global nitrogen addition Yang, Yang; Cheng, Huan; Gao, Han; An, Shaoshan LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT 2019
Nondimensional sediment transport capacity of sand soils and its response to parameter in the Loess Plateau of China Li, Pu; Zhang, Kuandi; Wang, Jingwen; Meng, He HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 2019
Using vegetation correction coefficient to modify a dynamic particulate nutrient loss model for monthly nitrogen and phosphorus load predictions: a case study in a small loess hilly watershed Wu, Lei; Li, Gouxia; Jiang, Jun; Ma, Xiaoyi ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2019
Changes in soil properties and resistance to concentrated flow across a 25-year passive restoration chronosequence of grasslands on the Chinese Loess Plateau Guo, Ming-Ming; Wang, Wen-Long; Kang, Hong-Liang; Yang, Bo; Li, Jian-Ming RESTORATION ECOLOGY 2019
Exploring the interaction of surface roughness and slope gradient in controlling rates of soil loss from sloping farmland on the Loess Plateau of China Li, Taotao; Zhao, Longshan; Duan, Hongteng; Yang, Yifan; Wang, Yu; Wu, Faqi HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 2019
Natural vegetation restoration of Liaodong oak forests rapidly increased the content and ratio of inert carbon in soil macroaggregates Sun, Lipeng; He, Lirong; Wang, Guoliang; Jing, Hang; Liu, Guobin JOURNAL OF ARID LAND 2019
The impact of flow discharge on the hydraulic characteristics of headcut erosion processes in the gully region of the Loess Plateau Shi, Qianhua; Wang, Wenlong; Guo, Mingming; Chen, Zhuoxin; Feng, Lanqian; Zhao, Man; Xiao, Hai HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 2019
Multifractal characteristics of the pore structures of physically amended sandy soil and the relationship between soil properties and multifractal parameters Zhu, Shilei; Zhen, Qing; Zhang, Xingchang ARCHIVES OF AGRONOMY AND SOIL SCIENCE 2019
Grazing exclusion erodes the forbs functional group without altering offspring recruitment composition in a typical steppe Zhao, Ling-Ping; Cui, Zeng; Liu, Yu; Chang, Xiaofeng; Wu, Gao-Lin LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT 2019
Plastic film mulching stimulates brace root emergence and soil nutrient absorption of maize in an arid environment Zhou, Lifeng; Feng, Hao JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 2019
Five-Year Measurements of Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange at a Fen in the Zoige Peatlands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Liu, Xinwei; Zhu, Dan; Zhan, Wei; Chen, Huai; Zhu, Qiuan; Hao, Yanbin; Liu, Wenjun; He, Yixin JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES 2019
A global synthesis reveals more response sensitivity of soil carbon flux than pool to warming Yan, Chuang; Yuan, Zhiyou; Shi, Xinrong; Lock, T. Ryan; Kallenbach, Robert L. JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS 2019