论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Modeling impacts of mulching and climate change on crop production and N2O emission in the Loess Plateau of China Chen, Haixin; Li, Linchao; Luo, Xiaoqi; Li, Yi; Liu, De Li; Zhao, Ying; Feng, Hao; Deng, Jia AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY 2019
Changes in nitrogen functional genes in soil profiles of grassland under long-term grazing prohibition in a semiarid area Song, Zilin; Wang, Jie; Liu, Guobin; Zhang, Chao SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2019
Effect of clipping on aboveground biomass and nutrients varies with slope position but not with slope aspect in a hilly semiarid restored grassland Liu, Jian; Qiu, Liping; Ao, Gukailin; Zheng, Bangyu; Wei, Xiaorong; Zhang, Yanjiang; Gao, Hailong; Cheng, Jimin ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING 2019
Plant functional diversity drives carbon storage following vegetation restoration in Loess Plateau, China Yang, Yang; Dou, Yanxing; Cheng, Huan; An, Shaoshan JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2019
Soil texture determines the distribution of aggregate-associated carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous under two contrasting land use types in the Loess Plateau Ge, Nannan; Wei, Xiaorong; Wang, Xiang; Liu, Xuetong; Shao, Mingan; Jia, Xiaoxu; Li, Xuezhang; Zhang, Qingyin CATENA 2019
Geographic distance and soil microbial biomass carbon drive biogeographical distribution of fungal communities in Chinese Loess Plateau soils Liu, Dong; Wang, Honglei; An, Shaoshan; Bhople, Parag; Davlatbekov, Fayzmamad SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2019
Camponotus japonicus burrowing activities exacerbate soil erosion on bare slopes Li, Tongchuan; Jia, Yuhua; Shao, Ming'an; Shen, Nan GEODERMA 2019
Changes in soil physical and chemical properties after short drought stress in semi-humid forests Zhang, Qingyin; Shao, Mingan; Jia, Xiaoxu; Wei, Xiaorong GEODERMA 2019
Development of black and biodegradable biochar/gutta percha composite films with high stretchability and barrier properties She, Diao; Dong, Juane; Zhang, Junhua; Liu, Lili; Sun, Qianqian; Geng, Zengchao; Peng, Pai COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2019
Response of aggregate associated organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous to re-vegetation in agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China Yao, Yufei; Ge, Nannan; Yu, Si; Wei, Xiaorong; Wang, Xiang; Jin, Jingwei; Liu, Xuetong; Shao, Mingan; Wei, Yanchun; Kang, Li GEODERMA 2019
Responses of soil respiration to rainfall pulses in a natural grassland community on the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China Niu, Furong; Chen, Ji; Xiong, Peifeng; Wang, Zhi; Zhang, He; Xu, Bingcheng CATENA 2019
Integrating potential natural vegetation and habitat suitability into revegetation programs for sustainable ecosystems under future climate change Peng, Shouzhang; Yu, Kailiang; Li, Zhi; Wen, Zhongming; Zhang, Chao AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY 2019
Impact of soil leachate on microbial biomass and diversity affected by plant diversity Zhang, Chao; Wang, Jie; Liu, Guobin; Song, Zilin; Fang, Linchuan PLANT AND SOIL 2019
Effects of the interaction between temperature and revegetation on the microbial degradation of soil dissolved organic matter (DOM) - A DOM incubation experiment Liu, Hongfei; Wu, Yang; Ai, Zemin; Zhang, Jiaoyang; Zhang, Chao; Xue, Sha; Liu, Guobin GEODERMA 2019
Factor contribution to soil organic and inorganic carbon accumulation in the Loess Plateau: Structural equation modeling Zhao, Wei; Zhang, Rui; Cao, Hua; Tan, Wenfeng GEODERMA 2019
Responses of nitrification and denitrification to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization: does the intrinsic soil fertility matter? Wang, Ying; Ji, Hongfei; Wang, Rui; Guo, Shengli PLANT AND SOIL 2019
Runoff maintenance and sediment reduction of different grasslands based on simulated rainfall experiments Liu, Yi-Fan; Liu, Yu; Wu, Gao-Lin; Shi, Zhi-Hua JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 2019
Discrepancy in tree transpiration of Salix matsudana, Populus simonii under distinct soil, topography conditions in an ecological rehabilitation area on the Northern Loess Plateau Wang, Sheng; Fan, Jun; Ge, Jiamin; Wang, Qiuming; Fu, Wei FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 2019
Drivers of soil microbial metabolic limitation changes along a vegetation restoration gradient on the Loess Plateau, China Deng, Lei; Peng, Changhui; Huang, Chunbo; Wang, Kaibo; Liu, Qiuyu; Liu, Yulin; Hai, Xuying; Shangguan, Zhouping GEODERMA 2019
Decreased temporary turnover of bacterial communities along soil depth gradient during a 35-year grazing exclusion period in a semiarid grassland Zhang, Chao; Li, Jing; Wang, Jie; Liu, Guobin; Wang, Guoliang; Guo, Liang; Peng, Shouzhang GEODERMA 2019