论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Long-term effects of different surface mulching techniques on soil water and fruit yield in an apple orchard on the Loess Plateau of China Suo, Gai-Di; Xie, Yong-Sheng; Zhang, Yi; Luo, Han SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE 2019
Application and accuracy of cosmic-ray neutron probes in three soil textures on the Loess Plateau, China Wang, Qiuming; Fan, Jun; Wang, Sheng; Yong, Chenxu; Ge, Jiamin; You, Wei JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 2019
Preparation of three-dimensional honeycomb carbon materials and their adsorption of Cr(VI) Liang, Hongxu; Song, Bin; Peng, Pai; Jiao, Gaojie; Yan, Xiang; She, Diao CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 2019
Community-weighted mean traits play crucial roles in driving ecosystem functioning along long-term grassland restoration gradient on the Loess Plateau of China Jing, Guanghua; Cheng, Jimin; Su, Jishuai; Wei, Lin; Hu, Tianming; Li, Wei JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS 2019
Biogenic transport of glyphosate in the presence of LDPE microplastics: A mesocosm experiment Yang, Xiaomei; Huerta Lwanga, Esperanza; Bemani, Akram; Gertsen, Rennie; Salanki, Tamas; Guo, Xuetao; Fu, Haimei; Xue, Sha; Ritsema, Coen; Geissen, Violette ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2019
Multiple tracers reveal different groundwater recharge mechanisms in deep loess deposits Huang, Yanan; Evaristo, Jaivime; Li, Zhi GEODERMA 2019
Afforestation of loess soils: Old and new organic carbon in aggregates and density fractions Jiang, Rui; Gunina, Anna; Qu, Dong; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Yu, Yajun; Hatano, Ryusuke; Frimpong, Kwame A.; Li, Ming CATENA 2019
Isotopically-tracked hydrological changes in carbon cycling and its sources in a Chinese subtropical forested watershed Zhao, Guoqing; Gao, Yang; Wang, Li; Hao, Zhuo; Wen, Xuefa; Song, Xianwei JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 2019
Melatonin promotes plant growth by increasing nitrogen uptake and assimilation under nitrogen deficient condition in winter wheat Qiao, Yujie; Yin, Lina; Wang, Bomei; Ke, Qingbo; Deng, Xiping; Wang, Shiwen PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 2019
Nitrogen application increases soil respiration but decreases temperature sensitivity: Combined effects of crop and soil properties in a semiarid agroecosystem Wang, Rui; Hu, Yaxian; Wang, Ying; Ali, Salman; Liu, Qingfang; Guo, Shengli GEODERMA 2019
Canopy pruning as a strategy for saving water in a dry land jujube plantation in a loess hilly region of China Ma Lihui; Wang Xing; Gao Zhiyong; Wang Youke; Nie Zhenyi; Liu Xiaoli AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT 2019
Energy input-output, water use efficiency and economics of winter wheat under gravel mulching in Northwest China Wang, Donglin; Feng, Hao; Li, Yi; Zhang, Tibin; Dyck, Miles; Wu, Feng AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT 2019
Desertification control on soil inorganic and organic carbon accumulation in the topsoil of desert grassland in Ningxia, northwest China An, Hui; Li, Qiao-Ling; Yan, Xin; Wu, Xiu-Zhi; Liu, Ren-tao; Fang, Yan ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING 2019
Stemflow production differ significantly among tree and shrub species on the Chinese Loess Plateau Yang, Xianlong; Shao, Ming'an; Wei, Xiaorong JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 2019
No response of soil N mineralization to experimental warming in a northern middle-high latitude agro-ecosystem Fu, Wei; Wang, Xiang; Wei, Xiaorong SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2019
Satellite-observed vegetation stability in response to changes in climate and total water storage in Central Asia Bai, Jie; Shi, Hao; Yu, Qiang; Xie, Zunyi; Li, Longhui; Luo, Geping; Jin, Ning; Li, Jun SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2019
Effects of vegetation and slope aspect on soil nitrogen mineralization during the growing season in sloping lands of the Loess Plateau Kong, Weibo; Yao, Yufei; Zhao, Zhongna; Qin, Xin; Zhu, Hansong; Wei, Xiaorong; Shao, Mingan; Wang, Zhao; Bao, Kaiqiang; Su, Min CATENA 2019
Mid-infrared spectroscopy tracing of channel erosion in highly erosive catchments on the Chinese Loess Plateau Ni, L. S.; Fang, N. F.; Shi, Z. H.; Tan, W. F. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2019
Effects of chironomid larvae and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri bioturbation on the distribution and flux of chromium at the sediment-water interface Cheng, Dandong; Song, Jinxi; Zhao, Xiaotian; Wang, Shaoqing; Lin, Qidong; Peng, Jianglin; Su, Ping; Deng, Wenjia JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2019
Effect of grassland afforestation on soil N mineralization and its response to soil texture and slope position Yao, Yufei; Shao, Mingan; Fu, Xiaoli; Wang, Xiang; Wei, Xiaorong AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT 2019