论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Identifying terraces in the hilly and gully regions of the Loess Plateau in China Sun, Wenyi; Zhang, Yongqiang; Mu, Xingmin; Li, Jiuyi; Gao, Peng; Zhao, Guangju; Dang, Tianmin; Chiew, Francis LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT 2019
Modelling soil detachment capacity by rill flow with hydraulic variables on a simulated steep loessial hillslope Shen, Nan; Wang, Zhanli; Zhang, Qingwei; Chen, Hao; Wu, Bing HYDROLOGY RESEARCH 2019
Stochastic modelling of soil water dynamics and sustainability for three vegetation types on the Chinese Loess Plateau Suo, Lizhu; Huang, Mingbin SOIL RESEARCH 2019
Effects of improved materials on reclamation of soil properties and crop yield in hollow villages in China Lei, Na; Han, Jichang; Mu, Xingmin; Sun, Zenghui; Wang, Huanyuan JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS 2019
Effects of crop-slope interaction on slope runoff and erosion in the Loess Plateau Ma, Bo; Liu, Gang; Ma, Fan; Li, Zhanbin; Wu, Faqi ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA SECTION B-SOIL AND PLANT SCIENCE 2019
Effects of the natural restoration time of abandoned farmland in a semiarid region on the soil denitrification rates and abundance and community structure of denitrifying bacteria Wang, Honglei; Han, Jianqiao; Deng, Na; An, Shaoshan APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 2019
Variations in soil infiltration capacity after vegetation restoration in the hilly and gully regions of the Loess Plateau, China Tang, Bingzhe; Jiao, Juying; Yan, Fangchen; Li, Hang JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS 2019
Effect of pruning intensity on soil moisture and water use efficiency in jujube (Ziziphus jujube Mill.) plantations in the hilly Loess Plateau Region, China Jin, Shanshan; Wang, Youke; Wang, Xing; Bai, Yonghong; Shi, Leigang JOURNAL OF ARID LAND 2019
Canopy interception of apple orchards should not be ignored when assessing evapotranspiration partitioning on the Loess Plateau in China Wang, Di; Wang, Li HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 2019
Development of pedotransfer functions for predicting the bulk density in the critical zone on the Loess Plateau, China Qiao, Jiangbo; Zhu, Yuanjun; Jia, Xiaoxu; Huang, Laiming; Shao, Ming'an JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS 2019
Pedotransfer functions for estimating the field capacity and permanent wilting point in the critical zone of the Loess Plateau, China Qiao, Jiangbo; Zhu, Yuanjun; Jia, Xiaoxu; Huang, Laiming; Shao, Ming'an JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS 2019
Moss-dominated biological soil crusts improve stability of soil organic carbon on the Loess Plateau, China Yang, Xueqin; Xu, Mingxiang; Zhao, Yunge; Gao, Liqian; Wang, Shanshan PLANT SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 2019
Use of biogas solid residue from anaerobic digestion as an effective amendment to remediate Cr(VI)-contaminated soils Song, Zilin; Fang, Linchuan; Wang, Jie; Zhang, Chao ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 2019
Runoff and sediment variation and attribution over 60 years in typical Loess Plateau basins Zhao, Qiaoqiao; Wang, Li; Liu, Hao; Zhang, Qingfeng JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS 2019
Formation and Evolution of Solvent-Extracted and Nonextractable Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals in Fly Ash of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators Zhao, Song; Gao, Pin; Miao, Duo; Wu, Lan; Qian, Yajie; Chen, Shanping; Sharma, Virender K.; Jia, Hanzhong ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2019
Soil physical and hydraulic properties under different land uses in the black soil region of Northeast China Li, Haiqiang; Liao, Xiaolin; Zhu, Hansong; Wei, Xiaorong; Shao, Mingan CANADIAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE 2019
Comparative Analysis of Fractional Vegetation Cover Estimation Based on Multi-sensor Data in a Semi-arid Sandy Area Liu, Qiuyu; Zhang, Tinglong; Li, Yizhe; Li, Ying; Bu, Chongfeng; Zhang, Qingfeng CHINESE GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE 2019
Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Nodulation and Nitrogen Fixation in Soybean-Rhizobia Symbiotic System Zou, Hang; Zhang, Ni-Na; Pan, Qing; Zhang, Jian-Hua; Chen, Juan; Wei, Ge-Hong MOLECULAR PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS 2019
Type III secretion systems impact Mesorhizobium amorphae CCNWGSO123 compatibility with Robinia pseudoacacia Wang, Xinye; Huo, Haibo; Luo, Yantao; Liu, Dongying; Zhao, Liang; Zong, Le; Chou, Minxia; Chen, Juan; Wei, Gehong TREE PHYSIOLOGY 2019
Assessment of frozen ground organic carbon pool on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Jiang, Lin; Chen, Huai; Zhu, Qiuan; Yang, Yanzheng; Li, Mingxu; Peng, Changhui; Zhu, Dan; He, Yixin JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS 2019