首页 人才工作
  • 姓名: 蔡伟祥
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 讲师
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 电话: 
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: caiwx@nwafu.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址: 杨凌西农路26号
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    2024.07-至今 西北农林科技大学水土保持科学与工程学院(水土保持研究所),讲师

  • 陆地生态系统碳储量的模拟、预测及其空间格局研究

  • 1. 第二次青藏高原科学考察项目子专题,地表功能元素耦合作用的植物性状响应,2019–2022,参与。

    2. 国家自然科学基金专项项目,中国陆地生态系统碳库现存量及其不确定性,2022.01–2025.12,参与。

  • 1. Cai W, He N, Li M, Xu L, Wang L, Zhu J, et al. Carbon sequestration of Chinese forests from 2010 to 2060: spatiotemporal dynamics and its regulatory strategies. Science Bulletin. 2022; 67: 836-43.

    2. Cai W, He N, Xu L, Li M, Wen D, Liu S, et al. Spatial-temporal variation of the carbon sequestration rate of afforestation in China: Implications for carbon trade and planning. Science of The Total Environment. 2023; 884: 163792.

    3. Cai W, Xu L, Li M, Sun OJ, He N. Imbalance of inter-provincial forest carbon sequestration rate from 2010 to 2060 in China and its regulation strategy. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2023; 33: 3-17.

    4. 蔡伟祥, 徐丽, 李明旭, 孙建新, 何念鹏. 2010—2060年中国森林生态系统固碳速率省际不平衡性及调控策. 地理学报. 2022, 77: 1808-1820.

    5. Peng B, Zhou Z, Cai W, Li M, Xu L, He N. Maximum potential of vegetation carbon sink in Chinese forests. Science of The Total Environment. 2023; 905: 167325.

    6. Xu L, He N, Li M, Cai W, Yu G. Spatiotemporal dynamics of carbon sinks in China’s terrestrial ecosystems from 2010 to 2060. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 2024; 203: 107457.

    7. Cheng C, He N, Li M, Xu L, Cai W, et al. Plant species richness on the Tibetan Plateau: patterns and determinants. Ecography, 2022, e06265.
