2010-2014年 兰州大学 生命科学学院 生态学博士
2012-2013年 加拿大农业部渥太华发展研究中心
2015年-至今 西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所
1.2022-2026年,黄土高原农牧交错带退化草地综合治理技术体系与示范, 国家重点研发子课题。
2.2020-2022年,黄土高原旱地小麦根系深扎优化水分吸收机理探索, 国家自然基金青年青年项目。1. Pufang Li, Baoluo Ma, Jairo A. Palta, Xiaofei Wei, Sha Guo, Tongtong Ding, Yongqing Ma. Distinct contributions of drought avoidance and drought tolerance to yield improvement in dryland wheat cropping. Journal of Agronomy And Crop Science, 2023
2. Pufang Li, Baoluo Ma, Jairo A. Palta, Tongtong Ding, Zhengguo Cheng; Youcai Xiong. Distinct contributions of drought-avoidance and-tolerance to yield improvement in dryland wheat cropping, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2022, 208: 265-282.
3. Pufang Li, Baoluo Ma, Sha Guo, Tongtong Ding, Youcai Xiong. Bottom-up redistribution of biomass optimizes energy allocation, water use and yield formation in dryland wheat improvement, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2022, 102(8): 3336-3349.
4. Pufang Li. Baoluo Ma. Jairo A. Palta. Tongtong Ding. Zhengguo Cheng. Guangchao Lv; Youcai Xiong. Wheat breeding highlights drought tolerance while ignores the advantages of drought avoidance: A meta-analysis, European Journal of Agronomy, 2021, 122: 126196 .
5. Pufang Li, Baoluo Ma, Youcai Xiong, Wenyuan Zhang.Morphological and physiological responses of different wheat genotypes to chilling stress: A cue to explain yield loss, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2017, 97: 4036-4045.