发表论文30余篇,其中以第一作者发表的SCI论文有20余篇,包括Nature子刊(2篇,并获F1000推荐)、Ecology、Proceedings of the Royal Society B 、Global Ecology and Biogeography(2篇),参加编写专著3部(其中副主编1部)。
1. Yuan ZY, Chen HYH. 2015. Native effects of fertilization on plant nutrient resorption. Ecology (in press, doi: 10.1890/14-0140.1)
2. Yuan ZY, Chen HYH. 2015. Global changes-induced decoupling of biogeochemical cycles. Nature Climate Change (accepted)
3. Yuan ZY, Chen HYH. 2013. Effects of Disturbance on Fine Root Dynamics in the Boreal Forests of Northern Ontario, Canada. Ecosystems 16: 467-477
4. Yuan ZY, Chen HYH. 2012. A global analysis of fine root production as affected by soil nitrogen and phosphorus. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279:3796-3802
5. Yuan ZY, Chen HYH. 2012. Fine root dynamics with stand development in boreal forests. Functional Ecology 26: 991-998
6. Yuan ZY, Chen HYH. 2011. Global-scale latitudinal patterns of plant fine-root nitrogen and phosphorus. Nature Communications 2:346
7. Yuan ZY, Chen HYH. 2010. Fine root biomass, production, turnover rates, and nutrient contents in boreal forest ecosystems in relation to species, climate, fertility, and stand age: Literature review and meta-analyses. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 29:204-221.
8. Yuan ZY, Chen HYH. 2009. Global trends in senesced-leaf nitrogen and phosphorus. Global Ecology and Biogeography 18:532–542
9. Yuan ZY, Chen HYH. 2009. Global-scale patterns of nutrient resorption associated with latitude, temperature and precipitation. Global Ecology and Biogeography 18:11–18
10. Yuan ZY, Liu WX, Niu SL, Wan SQ. 2007. Plant nitrogen dynamics and nitrogen-use strategies under altered nitrogen seasonality and competition. Annals of Botany 100: 821–830
11. Yuan ZY, Li LH, Han XG, Chen SP, Wang ZW, Chen QS, Bai WM. 2006. Nitrogen response efficiency increased monotonically with decreasing soil resource availability: a case study from a semiarid grassland in northern China. Oecologia 148: 564–572