首页 人才工作
  • 姓名: 杜峰
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 副研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 电话: 15829541366
  • 传真: 87012210
  • 电子邮件: dufeng@ms.iswc.ac.cn;dufeng@nwsuaf.edu.cn
  • 通讯地址: 杨凌西农路26号
    简  历:
  •   教育(访问)经历: 







  •   植物生理生态,植物群落、种群生态及水土保持 

  •   先后主持和参加国家自然科学基金、中国博士后基金、科学院“西部之光”、西北农林科技大学专项和国家科技支撑项目等课题15项,近年主要有: 





  •   发表SCI和一级学报等论文50余篇,主要有: 

      1) Feng DuHuijun ShiXingcha ng ZhangXuexuan Xu Responses of Reactive Oxygen Scavenging Enzymes, Proline and Malondialdehyde to Water Deficits among Six Secondary Successional Seral Species in LoessPLos One, 9(6), pp 1-8, 2014/6/1   

      2) Feng Du, Hongbo Shao, Lun Shan, ZongSuo Liang, Mingan Shao. Secondary succession and its effects on soil moisture and nutrition in abandoned old-fields of hilly region of Loess Plateau, China. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces  58 (2007) 278–285 

      3) Feng Du, YuanyuanSui, XuexuanXu, XingchangZhang, WenfangHao, MinganShao, LijuanHu and LunShan. Morhpological responses of six plant species to patchy habitat with different nitrogen concentrations. Polish Journal of Ecology, 61(2), pp 257-269, 2013 

      4) Feng Du, XuexuanXu, XingchangZhang, MinganShao, LijuanHu and LunShan. Responses of old-field vegetation to spatially homogenous or heterogeneous fertilisation: implications for resources utilization. Polish Journal of Ecology, 60(1), pp 133-144, 2012 

      5) Feng DuXuexuan Xu, XingChang Zhang, Yuanyuan Sui, Mingan Shao, Lijuan Hu and Lun Shan. The relationships between Voronoi area and. Polish Journal of Ecology, 60(3), pp 479-489, 2012  

      6) Changes of soil microbial activities along secondary succession in Loess Hilly Region. Plos One (Awaiting publish) 

      7) Du Feng, Liang Zongsuo, Xu Xuexuan, Shan Lun and Zhang Xingchang.Community biomass of abandoned farmland and its effects on soil nutrition in the Loess hilly region of Northern Shaanxi, China.ActaEcologica Sinica.2007,27(5):1673-1683(杜峰,梁宗锁,徐学选,山仑,张兴昌. 陕北黄土丘陵区撂荒草地群落生物量及植被土壤养分效应.生态学报.2007,27(5):1673-1683)(中英文同发) 

      8) Du Feng, Liang Zongsuo, Xu Xuexuan, Zhang Xingchang, Shan Lun. Spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients and aboveground biomass in abandoned old-fields of Loess Hilly region in Northern Shaanxi, China. ActaEcologica Sinica.2008,28(1):13-22(杜峰,梁宗锁,徐学选,山仑,张兴昌. 陕北黄土丘陵区撂荒群落土壤养分与地上生物空间异质性及其关系.生态学报.2008,28(1):13-22)(中英文同发) 

      9) Tan Yong, Liang Zongsuo, Shao Hongbo, Du Feng. Effect of water deficits on the activity of anti-oxidativeenzymes and osmoregulation among three differentgenotypes of Radix Astragali at seeding stage. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 49 (2006) 60–65 

      10) H. Wang, F. Du, H. Y. Liu and Z. S. Liang. Drought stress increases iridoid glycosidesbiosynthesis in the roots of Scrophularianingpoensis seedlings. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 4(24), pp. 2691-2699, 18 

      11) Fengpeng Han, Wei Hu, JiyongZheng,FengDu,Xingchang Zhang. Estimating soil organic carbon storage and distribution in a catchment of LoessPlateau, China. Geoderma 154 (2010) 261 – 266 

      12) Dong Baodi, Liu Mengyu a, Shao Hongbo, Li Quanqi,Shi lei, Du Feng, Zhang Zhengbin. Investigation on the relationship between leaf water use efficiency andphysio-biochemical traits of winter wheat under rained condition. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces  62 (2008) 280–287 

      13) Fengpeng Han,Jiyong Zheng, Wei Hu, Feng Du,Xingchang Zhang. ActaAgriculturaeScandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science. 60: 1, 48 56 

      14) Fengpeng Han, Wei Hu,Jiyong Zheng, Feng Du,Xingchang Zhang. Spatial variability of soil organic carbon in a catchment of the LoessPlateau. ActaAgriculturaeScandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science,60: 2, 136 143 

      15) 杜峰,梁宗锁,山仑,陈小燕.黄土丘陵区不同立地条件下猪毛蒿种内、种间竞争.植物生态学报.2006,30(4):601-609. 

      16) 杜峰, 徐学选,张兴昌,邵明安,梁宗锁,山仑. 陕北黄土丘陵区撂荒群落排序及演替. 生态学报.2008,28(11): 5419-5427 

      17) 杜峰, 梁宗锁, 徐学选, 山仑, 张兴昌. 陕北黄土丘陵区撂荒群落中期异质性研究. 草业学报.2007,16(5):40-47 

      18) 杜峰, 山仑, 梁宗锁, 徐学选. 陕北黄土丘陵区撂荒演替生态位研究. 草业学报. 2006, 15 (3):27-35. 

      19) 杜峰, 山仑, 梁宗锁. 陕北黄土丘陵区撂荒演替研究-群落组成与结构分析. 草地学报. 2005, 13 (2):140-143,158. 

      20) 杜峰, 山仑, 陈小燕, 梁宗锁. 陕北黄土丘陵区撂荒演替研究一撂荒演替序列. 草地学报. 2005, 13 (4):328-333. 

      21) 杜峰, 梁宗锁, 山仑, 谭勇. 陕北黄土丘陵区撂荒演替过程中的土壤水分效应. 自然资源学报. 2005, 20 (5):33-37. 

      22) 杜峰,梁宗锁,胡莉娟.植物竞争研究综述.生态学杂志. 2004, 23(4):157-163. 

      23) 杜峰,程积民,山仑.乔灌草植被条件下土壤水分动态特征.水土保持学报. 2002, 16 (1):91-94. 

      24) 胡伟,杜峰, 徐学选,张良德.黄土丘陵区刺槐树干液流动态分析.应用生态学报.2010,21(6):1367-1373(通讯作者) 

      25) 胡伟, 闫美杰, 杜峰, 徐学选, 张良德, 李波. 黄土丘陵区山杨展叶期树干液流分析.水土保持学报.2010,24(4):48-52,58(通讯作者) 

      26) 时慧君, 杜峰, 张兴昌.毛乌素沙地几种主要植物的光合特性.西北林学院学报.201025(4):29-34(通讯作者) 

      27) 隋嫒嫒, 杜峰, 张兴昌. 黄土丘陵区摞荒群落土壤速效养分空间变异性研究. 草业学报. 2011, 20(4): 76-84(通讯作者) 

  •   ·宁夏自治区科技进步二等奖,“宁南宽谷丘陵区(固原)集水型农牧开发与生态环境建设研究”,排名11(主要完成者李壁成,程积民和赵世伟等),负责畜牧业效益评价。 

