论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Response of carbon and nitrogen to afforestation from 0 to 5 m depth on two semiarid cropland soils with contrasting inorganic carbon concentrations Song, Yu; Yao, Yufei; Qin, Xin; Wei, Xiaorong; Jia, Xiaoxu; Shao, Mingan GEODERMA 2020
Evaluating drought-induced mortality risk for Robinia pseudoacacia plantations along the precipitation gradient on the Chinese Loess Plateau Zhang, Zhongdian; Huang, Mingbin; Yang, Yingnan; Zhao, Xiaofang AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY 2020
Graphene nanoplatelets/Eucommia rubber composite film with high photothermal conversion performance for soil mulching Sun, Qianqian; Geng, Zengchao; Dong, Juane; Peng, Pai; Zhang, Qiang; Xiao, Yao; She, Diao JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS 2020
Preparation of nitrogen-doped porous carbon material by a hydrothermal-activation two-step method and its high-efficiency adsorption of Cr(VI) Liang, Hongxu; Sun, Ruru; Song, Bin; Sun, Qianqian; Peng, Pai; She, Diao JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 2020
Hydrogel synthesis based on lignin/sodium alginate and application in agriculture Song, Bin; Liang, Hongxu; Sun, Ruru; Peng, Pai; Jiang, Yun; She, Diao INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES 2020
Developed carbon nanotubes/gutta percha nanocomposite films with high stretchability and photo-thermal conversion efficiency Yang, Huahua; Peng, Pai; Sun, Qianqian; Zhang, Qiang; Ren, Na; Han, Fengpeng; She, Diao JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T 2020
Preparation of three-dimensional honeycomb carbon materials and their adsorption of Cr(VI) (vol 367, pg 9, 2019) Liang, Hongxu; Song, Bin; Peng, Pai; Jiao, Gaojie; Yan, Xiang; She, Diao CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 2020
Storage of Soil Organic Carbon and Its Spatial Variability in an Agro-Pastoral Ecotone of Northern China Zhang, Yanjiang; Zhen, Qing; Li, Pengfei; Cui, Yongxing; Xin, Junwei; Yuan, Yuan; Wu, Zhuhua; Zhang, Xingchang SUSTAINABILITY 2020
Cadmium and lead affect the status of mineral nutrients in alfalfa grown on a calcareous soil He, Honghua; Wang, Xia; Wu, Miaomiao; Guo, Lei; Fan, Chenbin; Peng, Qi SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION 2020
Shifts in soil nutrient concentrations and C:N:P stoichiometry during long-term natural vegetation restoration Ma, Rentian; Hu, Feinan; Liu, Jingfang; Wang, Chunli; Wang, Zilong; Liu, Gang; Zhao, Shiwei PEERJ 2020
Potential impact of active substances in non-thermal discharge plasma process on microbial community structures and enzymatic activities in uncontaminated soil Wang, Tiecheng; Wu, Yang; Li, Zhicong; Sha, Xue JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 2020
Soil organic matter and silt contents determine soil particle surface electrochemical properties across a long-term natural restoration grassland Liu, Jingfang; Wang, Zilong; Hu, Feinan; Xu, Chenyang; Ma, Rentian; Zhao, Shiwei CATENA 2020
Effects of vegetation on the distribution of soil water in gully edges in a semi-arid region Wang, Ke; Ma, Zhanghuai; Zhang, Xiaoyuan; Ma, Jiangbo; Zhang, Lei; Zheng, Jiyong CATENA 2020
Effects of Long-Term Vegetation Restoration on Distribution of Deep Soil Moisture in Semi-arid Northwest of China Wang, Limei; Ma, Aisheng; Zhang, Hong; Zhang, Jianguo; Dong, Qiang; Fu, Guangjun JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION 2020
Soil water availability threshold indicator was determined by using plant physiological responses under drought conditions Huang, Ze; Liu, Yu; Tian, Fu-Ping; Wu, Gao-Lin ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 2020
Rainfall partitioning and its effects on regional water balances: Evidence from the conversion of traditional cropland to apple orchards in a semi-humid region Wang, Di; Wang, Li HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 2020
Response of winter-wheat grain yield and water-use efficiency to irrigation with activated water on Guanzhong Plain in China Zhao, Guoqing; Mu, Yan; Wang, Yanhui; Wang, Li IRRIGATION SCIENCE 2020
Vertical variation in shallow and deep soil moisture in an apple orchard in the loess hilly-gully area of north China Song, Xiaolin; Gao, Xiaodong; Zou, Yufeng; Chau, Henry; Wu, Pute; Zhao, Xining; Siddique, Kadambot H. M. SOIL USE AND MANAGEMENT 2020
Drought responses of profile plant-available water and fine-root distributions in apple (Malus pumila Mill.) orchards in a loessial, semi-arid, hilly area of China Song, Xiaolin; Gao, Xiaodong; Wu, Pute; Zhao, Xining; Zhang, Wei; Zou, Yufeng; Siddique, Kadambot H. M. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2020
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Borne Sensor System for Atmosphere-Particulate-Matter Measurements: Design and Experiments Wang, Tonghua; Han, Wenting; Zhang, Mengfei; Yao, Xiaomin; Zhang, Liyuan; Peng, Xingshuo; Li, Chaoqun; Dan, Xvjia SENSORS 2020