论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Phosphorus recovery by core-shell gamma-Al2O3/Fe3O4 biochar composite from aqueous phosphate solutions Cui, Qingliang; Xu, Jinling; Wang, Wei; Tan, Lianshuai; Cui, Yongxing; Wang, Tongtong; Li, Gaoliang; She, Diao; Zheng, Jiyong SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2020
Particle imaging auto-measurement system for microphysical characteristics of raindrops in natural rain Zhan, Xiaoyun; Zhao, Jun; Feng, Qian; Shui, Junfeng; Guo, Minghang ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH 2020
Litter cover promotes biocrust decomposition and surface soil functions in sandy ecosystem Wu, Gao-Lin; Zhang, Meng-Qi; Liu, Yu; Lopez-Vicente, Manuel GEODERMA 2020
Plant nutritional adaptations under differing resource supply for a dryland grass Leymus chinensis Liu, Zunchi; Shi, Xinrong; Yuan, Zhiyou; Lock, T. Ryan; Kallenbach, Robert L. JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS 2020
Synchronous sequestration of organic carbon and nitrogen in mineral soils after conversion agricultural land to forest Zhang, Yan; Liao, Xiaolin; Wang, Zhao; Wei, Xiaorong; Jia, Xiaoxu; Shao, Mingan AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT 2020
Improving Estimation of Seasonal Evapotranspiration in Australian Tropical Savannas using a Flexible Drought Index Zhuang, Wei; Shi, Hao; Ma, Xuanlong; Cleverly, James; Beringer, Jason; Zhang, Yan; He, Jie; Eamus, Derek; Yu, Qiang AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY 2020
Photosynthesis and nutrient-use efficiency in response to N and P addition in three dominant grassland species on the semiarid Loess Plateau Chen, Z. F.; Xiong, P. F.; Zhou, J. J.; Lai, S. B.; Jian, C. X.; Wang, Z.; Xu, B. C. PHOTOSYNTHETICA 2020
Plant and soil traits driving soil fungal community due to tree plantation on the Loess Plateau Yang, Yang; Cheng, Huan; Dou, Yanxing; An, Shaoshan SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2020
The impact of concentrated flow and slope on unpaved loess-road erosion on the Chinese Loess Plateau Guo, Wenzhao; Bai, Yun; Cui, Zhiqiang; Wang, Wenlong; Li, Jianming; Su, Zhengan LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT 2020
Impacts of different vegetation restoration options on gully head soil resistance and soil erosion in loess tablelands Guo, Mingming; Wang, Wenlong; Wang, Tianchao; Wang, Wenxin; Kang, Hongliang EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS 2020
Effect of aggregate breakdown on the unevenly enriched organic carbon process in sediments under a rain-induced overland flow Liu, L.; Li, Z. W.; Li, Z. J.; Liu, E. F.; Nie, X. D.; Liu, C.; Xiao, H. B. SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH 2020
Root traits of dryland winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from the 1940s to the 2010s in Shaanxi Province, China Sun, Yingying; Zhang, Suiqi; Chen, Wei SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020
Spatiotemporal Trends and Attribution of Drought across China from 1901-2100 Ding, Yongxia; Peng, Shouzhang SUSTAINABILITY 2020
Soil seed bank in different vegetation types in the Loess Plateau region and its role in vegetation restoration Wang, Ning; He, Xinyue; Zhao, Fuwang; Wang, Dongli; Jiao, Juying RESTORATION ECOLOGY 2020
Artificial soil aeration increases soil bacterial diversity and tomato root performance under greenhouse conditions Li, Yuan; Niu, Wenquan; Zhang, Mingzhi; Wang, Jingwei; Zhang, Zhenxing LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT 2020
Growth response of greenhouse-produced muskmelon and tomato to sub-surface drip irrigation and soil aeration management factors Li, Yuan; Niu, Wenquan; Cao, Xiaoshu; Zhang, Mingzhi; Wang, Jingwei; Zhang, Zhenxing BMC PLANT BIOLOGY 2020
Impact of variations in vegetation on surface air temperature change over the Chinese Loess Plateau Jin, Kai; Wang, Fei; Zong, Quanli; Qin, Peng; Liu, Chunxia SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2020
Microbial community assembly and metabolic function during wheat straw decomposition under different nitrogen fertilization treatments Zhong, Yangquanwei; Liu, Jin; Jia, Xiaoyu; Shangguan, Zhouping; Wang, Ruiwu; Yan, Weiming BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS 2020
Estimating Method of Maximum Infiltration Depth and Soil Water Supply Guo, Zhongsheng SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020
Elevation gradients affect the differences of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi diversity between root and rhizosphere soil Zhao, Fazhu; Feng, Xiuxiu; Guo, Yaoxing; Ren, Chengjie; Wang, Jun; Doughty, Russell AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY 2020