论文题目 作者 刊物名称 发表年度
Coal Mining Impacts on Baseflow Detected Using Paired Catchments Sun, Wenyi; Song, Xiaoyan; Zhang, Yongqiang; Chiew, Francis; Post, David; Zheng, Hongxing; Song, Songbai WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 2020
Root system architecture, physiological and transcriptional traits of soybean (Glycine maxL.) in response to water deficit: A review Xiong, Rentao; Liu, Shuo; Considine, Michael J.; Siddique, Kadambot H. M.; Lam, Hon-Ming; Chen, Yinglong PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 2020
Comment on Two Papers About the Generalized Complementary Evaporation Relationships by Crago et al. Liu, Wenzhao; Zhou, Haixiang; Han, Xiaoyang; Li, Zhi WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 2020
Damage of check dams by extreme rainstorms on the Chinese Loess Plateau: A case study in the Chabagou watershed Yang, Y.; Fu, S.; Liu, B.; Sun, B.; Liu, C.; Wang, Z.; Wu, S. JOURNAL OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION 2020
Effect of biochar on soil properties on the Loess Plateau: Results from field experiments Luo, Chaoyi; Yang, Jingjing; Chen, Wen; Han, Fengpeng GEODERMA 2020
Trade-off between vegetation type, soil erosion control and surface water in global semi-arid regions: A meta-analysis Wu, Gao-Lin; Liu, Yi-Fan; Cui, Zeng; Liu, Yu; Shi, Zhi-Hua; Yin, Rui; Kardol, Paul JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY 2020
Heterogeneity in short-term allocation of carbon to roots of Pinus tabuliformis seedlings and root respiration under drought stress Liu, Ying; Li, Peng; Xiao, Lie; Wang, Wen; Yu, Kunxia; Shi, Peng PLANT AND SOIL 2020
Remote sensing estimation of the soil erosion cover-management factor for China's Loess Plateau Yang, Xihua; Zhang, Xiaoping; Lv, Du; Yin, Shuiqing; Zhang, Mingxi; Zhu, Qinggaozi; Yu, Qiang; Liu, Baoyuan LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT 2020
Moderate disturbance increases the PLFA diversity and biomass of the microbial community in biocrusts in the Loess Plateau region of China Bao, Tianli; Gao, Liqian; Wang, Shanshan; Yang, Xueqin; Ren, Wei; Zhao, Yunge PLANT AND SOIL 2020
Soil functional biodiversity and biological quality under threat: Intensive land use outweighs climate change Yin, Rui; Kardol, Paul; Thakur, Madhav P.; Gruss, Iwona; Wu, Gao-Lin; Eisenhauer, Nico; Schaedler, Martin SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 2020
Soil Organic Carbon Redistribution and Delivery by Soil Erosion in a Small Catchment of the Yellow River Basin Zeng, Yi; Fang, Nufang; Shi, Zhihua; Lu, Xixi; Wang, Zhengang JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES 2020
Individual Rainfall Change Based on Observed Hourly Precipitation Records on the Chinese Loess Plateau from 1983 to 2012 Ding, Wenbin; Wang, Fei; Jin, Kai; Han, Jianqiao; Yu, Qiang; Ren, Qingfu; Shi, Shangyu WATER 2020
Soil aggregation and water holding capacity of soil amended with agro-industrial byproducts and poultry litter Li, Yuanyuan; Feng, Gary; Tewolde, Haile; Zhang, Fengbao; Yan, Chuang; Yang, Mingyi JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS 2020
Comprehensive evaluation of physiological traits under nitrogen stress and participation of linolenic acid in nitrogen-deficiency response in wheat seedlings Liu, Xiaoxiao; Wang, Shiwen; Deng, Xiping; Zhang, Zhiyong; Yin, Lina BMC PLANT BIOLOGY 2020
Exogenous melatonin alleviates PEG-induced short-term water deficiency in maize by increasing hydraulic conductance Qiao, Yujie; Ren, Jianhong; Yin, Lina; Liu, Yijian; Deng, Xiping; Liu, Peng; Wang, Shiwen BMC PLANT BIOLOGY 2020
Biocrusts resist runoff erosion through direct physical protection and indirect modification of soil properties Gao, Liqian; Sun, Hui; Xu, Mingxiang; Zhao, Yunge JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS 2020
Combined ecological and economic benefits of the solar photovoltaic industry in arid sandy ecosystems Liu, Yu; Zhang, Rui-Qi; Ma, Xiao-Rong; Wu, Gao-Lin JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 2020
Effectiveness of re-vegetated forest and grassland on soil erosion control in the semi-arid Loess Plateau Liu, Yi-Fan; Liu, Yu; Shi, Zhi-Hua; Lopez-Vicente, Manuel; Wu, Gao-Lin CATENA 2020
Influences of revegetation mode on soil water dynamic in gully slope of the Chinese Loess hilly-gully region Ma, J. Y.; Li, Z. B.; Ma, B. NATURAL HAZARDS 2020
Rill network development on loessial hillslopes in China Shen, Haiou; Zheng, Fenli; Zhang, Xunchang John; Qin, Chao EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS 2020